Welcome to cliez’s documentation!



A framework to make CLI-App easier.

Build status MIT License Support Python implementations.

Why cliez

python argparser is powerful, but we still need to write some code by ourselves, especially for new python guy. you may make your code style looks ugly.

that’s why we create cliez. make cli app easier and more elegant.


Automatic installation:

pip install cliez

cliez is listed in PyPI and can be installed with pip.

Manual installation: Download the latest source from Github.

git clone  https://github.com/9nix00/cliez.git
cd cliez
python setup.py build
sudo python setup.py install

The cliez source code is hosted on GitHub.

Prerequisites: cliez depends on Git and Mercurial.

Important Note: cliez 2.0 is not compatible forward and only works on python3+.

Quick Start

cliez check                                                          # check cliez depends

cd /tmp                                                              # change to tmp directory
cliez create 9nix00/cliez-kickstart cli-app                          # clone project from github

cd cli-app                                                           # change into cli-app directory
cliez init                                                           # replace template variables

More tips

Although cliez is designed to create a cli app. but you can use it to create any project from github or bitbucket more easier.

you can create your own kickstart project to clone it and replace it.

  • create a project from bitbucket
cliez create  <bitbucket-team>/<project>  local-project-name  --bitbucket
  • create a project from local repository,support Git and Mercurial
cliez create  <local-path>  local-project-name
  • init code with custom variable,the template variable name must be prefix 3 underline ___ and suffix ___, like this: ___NAME___
cliez init -s NAME:Jack -s SEX:male

cliez init -s NAME:Jack -s SEX:male --skip-builtin --yes              # skip set builtin template variable.

Discussion and support

You can discuss and report bugs on the GitHub issue tracker.


Indices and tables